Wednesday, 27 October 2021
Monday, 25 October 2021
IAVOM ~ Still Giving

eight years of posts which is hard to believe! Just where has that time gone? Although I didn't contribute in the very early days I think that I posted my first vase the following spring and what fun it has been to contribute over the years. In my vase some this week a few of of the generous flowers that keep on giving namely :
- Rosa 'Blush Noisette' - I'm not sure whether this is a second or third flush of this climbing rose. Her main show was in the summer. She still has a lot of unopened flower buds but I don't think that they will get the chance to flower now.
- Some cosmos bipinnatus' Double Click Cranberries' flowers. I like these although some of them haven't doubled clicked. I sowed them quite late on probably mid April. Their white flowering sibling 'Purity' which I may have sowed a couple of weeks earlier have fizzled out. The latter were grown in a pot (not to be repeated) and a wasp's nest in the roof above them perhaps meant that I wasn't as eager to dead-head them regularly.
- Some seed-heads of daucus carota grown from seed sown earlier this spring. I have a batch of September sown seedlings which need potting up but also think that I will leave this year's plants in place as apparently they can be short lived perennials depending on the winter. It will be interesting to see what happens.
- Finally a couple of sprigs of achillea millefolum 'Summer Berries' which were sown at the beginning of September last year. The packet promised a variety of colours but most of the few other plants that I planted didn't prosper or have failed to flower this year. This was has a pinky peach tone and as it is a perennial I hope that there are better things to come next year.
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Monday, 4 October 2021
IAVOM ~ Bring Me Sunshine
A lightening pick, plonk and photograph for this week's 'In A Vase On Monday' snipped in a break in the showers. I'm in dire need of some sunshine or failing that at least a break from the wet stuff that seems to have been stuck overhead for the last week or so! There's only so much housework that I can tolerate. In my milk bottle instant sunshine has been provided by :
- The yellow daisy of anthemis 'E.C. Buxton' which started life as a cutting on a propagation course I took at a local nursery. It is a trouble free perennial it's only fault is that it opens a shade of yellow that's just a tad too bright for me. It does fade though to a much more attractive softer yellow. It flowers throughout the summer right up to the first frosts and is most generous with its flowers.
- A single of stem of the half hardy perennial rudbeckia 'Sahara' - a favourite of mine. It has sadly struggled this year from sowing onwards and didn't appreciate the wet August. Even the molluscs who usually show disdain for the slightly rough leaves have shown an unwelcome interest.
- A couple of flowers of cosmos bippinatus 'Purity' - I love the never ending supply of white flowers throughout the summer but the plants are lanky and need support. The search is on for shorter white flowering cosmos for next year.
- Finally a flower of my new to me this year rose 'Bathsheba'. Her colour and shape have lived up to my expectations but sadly not her scent but that could be down to my nose. After some minor surgery on that aforesaid part of my anatomy a few years ago I'm convinced that my scent of smell has diminished. I often confer with rose loving friend on the scent of roses. She has some of the same roses as me which is most useful but she does not grow this one. I was most relieved when after a close up and personal sniff of my rose she told me that she wasn't picking up much scent either. Earlier this summer I was stopped in my tracks in her garden by the scent coming from rose 'Eustacia Vye', so it has gone on my list of plants to investigate further over the longer nights.
Thanks must go to Cathy over at 'Rambling In The Garden' for her gentle encouragement to get out there and snip each week. It's great to see what other people are cutting and enjoying especially as the year goes on. This afternoon's forecast thunder and lightening haven't materialised yet and there is a most welcome break in the rain so I'm off outside for a while before domestic goddess duties in the kitchen call.
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