my favourite is galanthus elwesii 'Rosemary Burnham' which has opened up this week. It could well be something else when more 'drops open over the next couple of weeks. Brian from Our Garden@19 asked recently whether I had a favourite. How do you choose from a bevvy of beauties? I think though with some agonising that I could probably narrow it down to half a dozen or so, which might be the subject for another post.
However for now 'Rosemary Burnham' is my leading lady. She is a snowdrop that I fell in love with at first sight albeit long distance when I saw her on various web sites. She was first discovered growing in Canada in the late 1960s by a lady of the same name. It was some considerable time before she was available to buy here and intitially the price she sold for was exorbitant. However after patiently waiting for several years I was able to treat myself to a dormant bulb last summer. I have been holding my breath since and was most relieved to see a green nose poking through the compost last month. As she is new I'm not sure whether she is flowering early/on time/late especially given the weird winter weather we've experienced. Like most virescent snowdrops she has the reputation of being a bit miffy to grow so please, please keep your fingers crossed for my bulb.