'Out on the Streets' is a regular feature at over at Veg Plotting where we are invited to show everyone the public open spaces and planting that we come across in our neighbourhoods or on our travels.
Over the last few months I have been visiting Chavasse Park in Liverpool and reporting back. Chavasse Park is small park slap bang in middle of the city centre You can see my June, September and Decembers posts here,here and here. I made my latest visit in early April and perhaps should have left it until later in the month. The grasses which are a feature of the planting still looked good but there was very little evidence of spring. There was little in flower - the odd perennial but not a single solitary sign of either emerging, flowering or flowered bulb. Whilst this area would not lend itself to mass plantings there are plenty of pockets that would be suitable for drifts of snowdrops, crocus or narcissus so why they have not been planted completely puzzled me. Maybe the planting budget was exhausted by the time it came to spring. Unlike my previous visits this peek in to the park left me disappointed. However I will try to nip back in the next week or so to see what else has emerged, now that spring has well and truly finally arrived. Please click on the collage for the bigger picture.
Over at ABC Wednesday there are many more observations on the letter O.