Well it's hard to believe that we've reached the last Monday of the year and indeed the last 'In A Vase On Monday' for 2024! Gracing my vase today a trio consisting of :
- Galanthus 'Fieldgate' Prelude which is an early flowering variety although I associate it more with January than February. Having said that a good number of my snowdrops both under cover and in the garden seem to be emerging earlier than usual.
- Some foliage in the shape of leaves from an arum seedling - I prefer it to it's parent arum italicum.
- A small stem of hamamelis or witch hazel. This is the first time I've ever cut some of this particular shrub for a vase and the mere act of doing so seemed akin to plant vandalism. I'm sure it will survive though. There is an even larger stem that will ned removing soon as it's protuding into the car port and himself keeps dropping veiled remarks about it. I don't know which variety it is. It was sold to me in February 2019 as the red 'Foxy Lady' which it definitely isn't. The nursery concerned refunded me and allowed me to keep the imposter they sent. In the meantime the search for the real hamamelis 'Foxy Lady' continues.