greentapestry : A Wednesday Worisit

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

A Wednesday Worisit

Spotted dotted throughout the grass in the Winter Garden at Dunham Massey earlier this month. I know that I am being lazy and should consult the books but I hope that somebody can enlighten me as to the identity of this attractive specimen.


  1. Very pretty and, if I'm right, quite unusual. I think it's a Scilla -Scilla mischtschenkoana 'Tubergeniana' AGM.

  2. It's so pretty, but no idea what it is.

  3. Hi Anna, my immediate thought was a scilla too, but then I thought no, it's a puschkinia. Very pretty colour, isn't it?

  4. It's lovely - I don't know it, but I agree with Su - looks like a Scilla.

  5. Yes, Puschkinia scilloides to be exact! Lovely little flower, was it in sun or shade?


All your comments are much appreciated and treasured. I wil try to reply to everyone who leaves a comment, but it may take me a few days, especially when I start spending more time in the garden and at the lottie. I know that you will understand :) I am sure that I will also visit your blog if I have not already done so. If you have any specific questions I will either reply to them here or you can email me at :


- Anna.