greentapestry : In A Vase On Monday ~ Shades Of Pale

Monday, 8 July 2019

In A Vase On Monday ~ Shades Of Pale

This week's 'In A Vase On Monday' was photographed in a new spot, still on top of a wall overlooking the stream but a wider wall decorated with a soft cushion of green. Unlike last week's readymade gifted vase the contents all were picked from the garden. In my vase this week are :

  • A stem of a rose 'Luisa's Daughter' which is now in it's third flowering season and has certainly leapt this year. The rose was a present from my sister and was specifically named in memory of my mother. It was a most thoughtful gift but one that I have fretted about in case the rose didn't flourish. Anyway it seems to be happy where it's planted and has been in flower since the beginning of May. It has a light but discernible lemony scent.
  • A couple of stems of anemone coronaria 'The Bride', the tubers of which were planted in a tray in the greenhouse back in March. 
  • A couple of calendula 'Snow Princess', which were sown on 11th March. 
  • A stem of the annual phlox drummondii 'Crème Brûlée'', grown from seed again sown on 11th March. I've yet to make my mind up about this one. It seems to have a rather spindly habit and so far I have been unable to detect the scent promised on the seed packet blurb. I went slightly over the top this year on annual phloxes and sowed four varieties. The others will hopefully feature in later vases.
Our lovely hostess Cathy over at 'Rambling In The Garden' is doing her very best this week to make sure that we will all be singing and disco dancing until the sun goes down.


  1. It's so lovely to have a rose named speciall for you but, as you say, the responsibilty must lie very heavily on your shoulders till you are sure it is established so I am glad to read it is thriving. It looks a very pretty rose - is it a shrub rose? I look forward to hearing from you about the success (or lack of) of the annual phlox in due course; in the meantime please tell us more about the anemone tubers and how you have grown them

  2. Very pretty and I like these shades. I'm impressed that you still have anemone flowering. I must try planting some late ones. I have annual phlox too. The colours are just beautiful and the vase life is very good but so far the plants are small. I'm hoping they will get taller and more useful soon. I hope yours do well for you. Which ones do you have? I have Creme Brulee, Silver Stars and Cherry Caramel.

  3. I'm amazed that you still have anemones blooming! They're flash-in-the-pan early spring bloomers here. I love the color of the phlox. While the plants are sometimes sold by garden centers here, they sadly don't last long in our climate.

  4. A most beautiful arrangement and image, dear Anna, so refreshing, an emotion I haven't had for weeks as the relentless heat and drought is turning the place into a desert. Needless to say that most roses have gone into summer hibernation. Enjoy your pretty flowers and have a good week. x

  5. To find such a range of blooms all within the same colour range is a real coup....Clever you with your sowings and raising your flowers. Have a good week..and I love the green mossy background on top of your wall.

  6. That hint of buttery yellow makes the pales appealing.

  7. I glad your special rose is flourishing


All your comments are much appreciated and treasured. I wil try to reply to everyone who leaves a comment, but it may take me a few days, especially when I start spending more time in the garden and at the lottie. I know that you will understand :) I am sure that I will also visit your blog if I have not already done so. If you have any specific questions I will either reply to them here or you can email me at :


- Anna.