greentapestry : April Musing ~ Observations

Saturday, 25 April 2020

April Musing ~ Observations

"When proud pied April,
dressed in all his trim, 
Hath put a spirit of youth in everything" ~ William Shakespeare.

"I have seen the lady April bringing the daffodils,
Bringing the springing grass and the
soft warm April rain" ~ John Masefield.

"April prepares her green traffic light and the
world thinks Go" ~ Christopher Morley.

"April's rare capricious loveliness" ~ Julia Dorr.

"I had not thought of violets of late
The wild, shy kind that springs beneath your feet
In wistful April days" ~ Alice Dunbar - Nelson.

"Today has been a day dropped out of June into April" ~ L.M. Montgomery.

Illustration by Lena Anderson.

The world has been in turmoil this month yet the weather in this part of the world has rarely been so glorious, bursting with endless days "dropped out of June". Possibly when the monthly meteorological statistics come out they will reveal one of the warmest, sunniest and driest Aprils on record or at least one of those measures. Whatever the conclusion this hint of summer has certainly provided much comfort and has been a most welcome open-ended invitation to spend as much time possible out in the garden.


  1. According to Martyn’s weather station - if things continue as they have it will be certainly the driest month for some time and not just as far as April is concerned. As for warmest the night temperatures have let it down.

    1. Now I hadn't thought about the night time temperatures Sue although we have had mainly mild nights here in the north west. I hoped for rain during the night but not a single drop!

  2. Autumn here and we are getting some rain - yeah!
    Enjoy your summer .... for the record , where I live in Australia we had a strange summer - not many "hot" days and a bit of rain. That is fabulous for us.
    I hope your summer is nice and warm .

    1. Oh I'm glad to hear that somebody is getting some rain LadyJicky. Interesting to hear that you had an unusual summer. I wonder what part of Australia you live in. Thanks for your summer wishes ๐Ÿ˜„

    2. I am in Melbourne .... so we get hot and cold ! lol

    3. Sounds like here but more cold than hot here on balance ๐Ÿ˜„ I imagine that your hot is hotter and our cold is colder.

  3. I'm a little confused about the weather, mainly, I suppose, because I'm looking at it rather than being in it. The sunshine has been wonderful - especially on the blossom in the trees I can see from my window - but it has seemed disappointingly cold to me. Maybe this is it - that the sun has made me think it's June . . . when it isn't!

  4. Hi Anna! Our April is record-dry! Fortunately, we are having some rains now. Garden looks happy. I'm so grateful that I can watch it awakening and flourishing.
    Happy gardening to you!

    1. Hello Tatyana - it's lovely to hear from you! So it is dry elsewhere too. I hope that your welcome rain is heading over the pond in our direction soon.

  5. What glorious observations, Anna, especially the last one - and that picture! :) Our weather station suggests only 5mm of rain in the last month but April last year wasn't much more than that, and it will be similar to 2015 in terms of sunshine (records since 2011 when we got the solar panels). Our garden would be happy with a good dose of rainfall, and the odd spit and spot later on today didn't really count!

    1. The illustration just brims with infectious joy to me Cathy ๐Ÿ˜‚ It sounds as if you keep more thorough weather records than I do. You had an odd spit and spot yesterday - I'm envious! Heavy overnight rain forecast here but it didn't materialise.

  6. We have indeed been fortunate with the weather so far. Rain would be most welcome, but perhaps just gentle showers overnight!

  7. All of the poems perfectly capture this moment in time, Anna.


All your comments are much appreciated and treasured. I wil try to reply to everyone who leaves a comment, but it may take me a few days, especially when I start spending more time in the garden and at the lottie. I know that you will understand :) I am sure that I will also visit your blog if I have not already done so. If you have any specific questions I will either reply to them here or you can email me at :


- Anna.