greentapestry : In A Vase On Monday ~ Summer's Last Swansong

Monday 21 September 2020

In A Vase On Monday ~ Summer's Last Swansong

My 'In A Vase On Monday' this week is a tribute to the very last day of summer and was picked in most beautiful weather yesterday afternoon. We have been blessed with some most glorious settled weather for the last week or so which is set to make way for more of an autumnal feel as the week progresses. We are forecast much cooler temperatures and what will be some welcome rain.

In my vase this week are :
  • Sweet peas - the two toned one is 'Erewhon' whilst the other is 'Noel Sutton'. I mentioned in an earlier post this year that my sweet peas sown in mid March seemed very late to start flowering. However once they got going they have more than made up for it. I planted them at home this year rather than at the allotment so they have been close to hand for picking. Perhaps not in the best position as they proved rather challenging to pick at times and I have to avail myself of himself's extra height and longer arms. A new position will be sought next year. They are slowly dwindling to a close now but will be allowed a while longer before going into the green bin. Not enough room left in the bin now before it gets wheeled up ready to be collected tomorrow morning.
  • Some sprigs of an old favourite herbaceous perennial clematis in the shape of clematis jouiana 'Praecox'. This is a sprawler in my garden but can climb too given support. It is great for late summer colour and is beloved by bees and butterflies. Its one big minus is that it dies disgracefully and sadly will soon begin its annual journey in the direction of dormancy.
  • Lastly a single rose in the shape of 'Wollerton Od Hall'. She is a most delicate appealing shade and is supposed to have a strong scent. Unfortunately I am unable to pick up on much scent although I must admit that after some nasal problems my sense of smell is not as good as it was. However to me her scent definitely pales in comparison with 'Gertrude Jekyll'. 'Wollerton Old Hall' is a David Austin rose and is named after the outstanding garden of the same name in Shropshire. I have been lucky enough to visit there twice with himself and once with a local gardening club. I'm hoping very much to make another visit next year and would urge anyone to do so should you find yourself in Shropshire.

The vase is a cheap and cheerful purchase from a well known supermarket some time ago.

Thanks as always to our lovely hostess Cathy who pampers and cherishes her flowers over at 'Rambling In The Garden'. I'm off to recover now over the shock of legacy Blogger completely disappearing. There had been enough warnings but it seems that sadly Blogger have finally pulled the plug. I will be heading back into the garden to relish this beautiful last day of summer.


  1. Oh yes - that clematis should have been in my vase too, where it would have sat very nicely alongside the blue of the caryopteris. I am amazed you still have sweet peas nut I suppose if they didn't start flowering till late that migt explain it, although they have survived the heat well. I have just bought my Winter Sunshine Sweet peas and will be sowing them in a couple of weeks. Yours look lovely with the clematis and and contrast gently with the rose. I must go out and sniff my WOH, which seems to be establishing better this year - love that garden too, one of my favourites. I am hoping WP don't do the same with their old editing format which has remained after at least one update but there is another on the go now...

  2. Such a lovely vase, an the last picture filled with blooms is delightful.

  3. Oh crikey - if Blogger have finally pulled the plug, this will be my last week too. I haven't been able to make the new version work, so hey ho. All good things come to an end! I am putting my vase on my Instagram account though, so all is not completely lost, and it's good to communicate with other IAVOMers there too! Your vase is so lovely. I particularly love the clematis. It's a real treat! Beautiful rose too - such a pretty colour! Amanda

  4. Our sweet peas were a complete failure this year.. the clematis looks lovely.

  5. Your sweet peas look like a minor miracle to me, Anna - they're gorgeous and it blows me over that you still have them coming on strong just as we here should be sowing our seeds for next year's blooms. (I'm waiting awhile yet as it's still been much too warm.) The rose may not have much scent but it's a beautiful color and mixes well with the sweet peas and clematis.

  6. A gorgeous vase, Anna, I really love the name too. The rose goes very well with the clematis which I grow as well. She's one of the best, so vigorous and long-flowering. Have a lovely autumn filled with sunshine and flowers :)

  7. That rose is a beauty, Anna. I never grew annual sweet peas this year either but do have a perennial one, a lovely deep pink at that, but I forget to check it for picking blooms. I love the idea of clematis in a vase. Beautiful vase, Anna. I do hope its not your last for the year.

    Oh dear, just re reading this - is it the old blogger template that blogger are removing or are they removing the whole platform? I do hope you are able to keep blogging.

  8. What a beautiful rose in your vase Anna, I wasn’t familiar with 'Wollerton Old Hall' until now. I have one herbaceous clematis that’s been in the garden forever, but not the lovely 'Praecox’. Mine has been there so long, I have no idea of the name. Love the sentiment on the vase!


All your comments are much appreciated and treasured. I wil try to reply to everyone who leaves a comment, but it may take me a few days, especially when I start spending more time in the garden and at the lottie. I know that you will understand :) I am sure that I will also visit your blog if I have not already done so. If you have any specific questions I will either reply to them here or you can email me at :


- Anna.