greentapestry : IAVOM ~ 'Here Comes The Rain Again'

Monday 27 May 2024

IAVOM ~ 'Here Comes The Rain Again'


In this week's vase are the following :

  • Ranunculus aconitifolius 'Flore Pleno', commonly known as 'Fair Maids Of France'. I'm not sure what the French connection is but they are lovely little maids indeed. They like some shade and a to have their roots in some moisture. Flowering in May into June they retreat from sight quite early in the year.
  • A couple of sprigs of flowers from a dark leaved physocarpus which I think is 'Diablo'.
  • A touch of daisy floppiness in the shape of erigeron karvinskianus also known as Mexican fleabane - the flowers morph from white to pink as they age. This would probably win the longest flowering plant competition in my garden, usually throwing out a few flowers in March and then carrying on well into the autumn, sometimes as late as November. It does self- seed vigorously so much so that himself declares it a weed and wages war on it every couple of years but I'm quite happy to let it wander.
  • Some lacy cow parsley like pink heads of pimpinella major rosea, another hardy perennial which prefers moist conditions. 

Thank you to Cathy over at 'Rambling In The Garden' for her excellent hostessing skills each week. As you might be able to guess the rain is back. On Wednesday into Thursday we had an amber weather warning. It rained from the time I got up on Wednesday until I went to bed and then again on the Thursday until early afternoon 😱 Yesterday we had a yellow weather warning for thunderstorms and late afternoon the thunder arrived complete with a dramatic volley of hail before the rain set in. More rain this morning and yet more forecast for tomorrow. I don't know how much rainfall there was but it was a lot. I hope to squeeze some gardening in this week between the wet. Some of the plants have not enjoyed being flattened and there were one or two casualties. Fortunately nothing more serious than broken stems as far as I can see.

In other news I might drop off the radar for a while. I am the website administrator for our local u3a branch and will have a training session later this week as the website's publishing platform is about to change to Wordpress. I have used Wordpress in the past to run sites for a local gardening club and for my allotment association. However it was a good many years ago and I'm sure that things have changed. It will be a steep learning curve and I'm quaking at the very thought of mastering 'Plug-ins' as well as other challenges before our present site can eventually migrate to the new platform. I'm certainly not a techie so I'm slightly apprehensive that it might be beyond me. Maybe some of you Wordpress users can reassure me. It's certainly going to be a time consuming process. Oh well I will just have to see how it goes 😂


  1. Oh, that's really special. I love vases full of local garden goodies, and the vessel is perfect, too. Good luck with the website!

  2. That vase has me thinking of a meadow....lovely! And I hope you have a reprieve from the rain. I use Wordpress and it really is not that hard to use. I have every confidence you will master it in no time.

  3. That's a sweet arrangement, Anna - and we have Mexican fleabane in common! It's a virtual weed here but a welcome filler, even if taming it is often a challenge.

    Congratulations on your new assignment. I'm sure the training session will soon get you over the nerves you're feeling now. Best wishes!

  4. My goodness, Anna - you certainly have had a lot of rain! Here, it was only Wednesday that was particularly wet, and at other times the rain has been short lived and allowed garden tasks to continue. Good luck with your upcoming challenge - it seems strange that you volunteered for website administration in the first place when you admit to be a non-techie, so well done for taking it on! On vase matters, I agree with Donna that it has a meadow effect to it and I am most intrigued by the ranunculus, not something I have come across before. I am also a becoming a big fan of the pimpinella!

  5. Send me the rain! Things are getting parched here.It does have a spring meadow vibe. I love the pimpernel like cow parsley and both names. The blue vase is wonderful, I love your taste in vases. I have been on WordPress for years and haven't really managed to figure it out and wonder how I ever got the blog going - I need a class. Good luck with yours. Amelia

  6. A sweet meadowy vase, Anna. The pink raceme is esp. pretty!
    I think the days of reasonable rainfall are behind us. One deluge after another! Hope you dry out soon.
    Any new tech has a learning curve. I've been on WP since '13, and every year there is some new change that we must adjust to. We grumble, but eventually master it. Back when I started, I was so in over my head, I could only work an hour at a time before my brain quit. I have no idea how I ever made it! ;) Eliza

  7. The perfect vase for a rainy day Anna. It is light and cheerful and full of promise. I love the Pimpernella and thought it was Achillea at first. The Ranunculus is pretty too. Good luck with your wordpress venture. I admit to not having changed anything on my blog for years simply because I find the changes at wordpress daunting. But having used a blogging platform for years you are sure to catch on quickly. Wishing you blue skies and no rain for the coming week!!!

  8. Well done you on helping out with U3A website, at least if it keeps on raining like this, you won't feel that you have to get out into the garden instead! I am hoping my Pimpernella looks as good as yours, it is still a young plant.


All your comments are much appreciated and treasured. I wil try to reply to everyone who leaves a comment, but it may take me a few days, especially when I start spending more time in the garden and at the lottie. I know that you will understand :) I am sure that I will also visit your blog if I have not already done so. If you have any specific questions I will either reply to them here or you can email me at :


- Anna.