greentapestry : IAVOM ~ Just A Few More 'Drops

Monday, 17 February 2025

IAVOM ~ Just A Few More 'Drops


It's a few of my special snowdrops in today's vase - some have lost their labels but they include 'Fieldgate Superb', the largest flower you can see in the above photo, 'Trumps', Wendy's Gold (yellow ovary and slow to increase for me) 'Green of Hearts', 'Aunt Agnes', 'Philippe Andre Meyer' and 'Lapwing' showing it's lovely markings and almost brushing the vase. The vase is a small stoneware pot purchased for a couple of pounds or so at The Malvern Spring Show a few years ago.

Thanks to our lovely hostess Cathy over at 'Rambling In The Garden' for hosting 💐 Do pay her a visit to share her offering today as well as contributions from fellow garden bloggers.

Well after a couple of seemingly never ending grey days with below average temperatures, the pendulum is set to swing towards a warmer, windier and generally wetter spell but with sunny spells too! All in all a most satisfactory state of affairs. I wheeled the green bin up the lane earlier this afternoon ready for the first collection of the year tomorrow. 'Charlotte' potatoes were chitted in egg boxes yesterday and are now occupying window space in the hall which is the coolest spot I can find in the house. Not a pretty sight but needs must. An exciting discovery yesterday afternoon when I spotted the first slightest purple whisps of crocus tommasinianus peeping out from the lawn. I had checked the day before and nothing was visible so it was magical to see evidence of their return yesterday. The days are now visibly lengthening and things are definitely on the move.


  1. What a lovely collection of different snowdrops. Yes let us hope for some sunshine and the garden will start to pop then.

  2. I'm glad you're seeing a positive change in the weather there, Anna! You and others in the UK have taught me to look for the differences in snowdrops, although I'm not likely to remember their names. I'd love to see 'Trumps' renamed - maybe DEI?!

  3. Oh how lovely Anna - to me it's obvious why we are smitten with these little preciouses! I was pleased to see my replacement Wendy's Gold reappearing this year, but sadly it's not the same for all of them, although those that have established in the woodland seem to be happy there, and I might move those from under the apple trees there as well. The thing about crocus is that, if growing in grass, you can't see they are there until those spikes appear - where are yours growing?

  4. They are beautiful Anna. I like the little vase. It seems sturdy and perfect to hold your collection.

  5. The U.K. does snowdrops so well in every way. Those carpets of white are hard to beat. Interestingly I have a little inkwell so similar to yours! Last week I was able to match Cathy's little green wellies and now this!! the snowdrops are perfect in it.

  6. I do love seeing your snowdrops every year Anna, and you have such variety! They look lovely all together in your little vase. I hope you do get some sunny spells. One of the main stories recently on the BBC website I read daily was how gloomy and grey the English winter has been so far. Not long now till spring, as your crocus is telling you!


All your comments are much appreciated and treasured. I wil try to reply to everyone who leaves a comment, but it may take me a few days, especially when I start spending more time in the garden and at the lottie. I know that you will understand :) I am sure that I will also visit your blog if I have not already done so. If you have any specific questions I will either reply to them here or you can email me at :


- Anna.