greentapestry : In A Vase On Monday ~ "As I Roved Out One Fine May Morning"

Monday, 1 May 2017

In A Vase On Monday ~ "As I Roved Out One Fine May Morning"

So here we are in the month of May already - the fairest month of the year. I would like to say that it dawned fair here but it was rather grey and damp earlier on. However it is definitely brightening up now so I will be heading out into the greenhouse and garden very soon. In my vase celebrating the arrival of May are anthriscus sylvestris or cow parsley, geranium phaeum, narcissus 'Thalia' (there are some advantages to a late planting) and a double flowered tulip by the name of 'Antraciet'. The tulip is a first time round experience which will definitely be repeated. Sadly most of my bulb order didn't get planted last autumn but this one did and I'm delighted with it

Thanks as always to Cathy over at 'Rambling In The Garden' ,who is the ever constant inspiration behind 'In A Vase On Monday', such a pleasant way to kick-start the week.


  1. Oh Yes! The dark tulip and cow parsley are a great partnership, I'll have to look for that one.

  2. I love the contrast between the white flowers and the deep burgundy ones in this week's vase, Anna. I wish I could grow cow parsley - I tried twice and failed twice!

  3. Oh Antraciet is gorgeous and a friend of mine will be pleased as he shared my bulb order but as he and his wife are time poor I chose the bulbs for them, including this one! She looks especially at home with Thalia and the cow parsley - thanks for sharing

  4. The tulip is wonderful together with the Thalia and cow parsley. I love Thalia and have some next to my dark purple Heucheras. :)

  5. Gorgeous and so very romantic, Anna! I've a similar very dark, double tulip and it's also dying most beautifully which is a bonus. I'm glad you have Cerinthe too, it's such a delight at this time of year. Yesterday we ate rabbitt stuffed with Dioscorea by the way and it was delicious. Worth looking into it but remember to only eat the young shoots.

  6. Gorgeous. A brilliant combination of colours, they set each other off beautifully. Another note taken...

  7. That looks so lovely, Anna. I picked a small vase of cow parsley on Sunday as it grows in swathes in the hedgerow by the allotments - I wish I'd thought to pair it with Geranium phaeum as that also grows wild at the plots. A lovely combo.

  8. What a lovely arrangement! The double-flowered tulip is a beauty, such a rich color.


All your comments are much appreciated and treasured. I wil try to reply to everyone who leaves a comment, but it may take me a few days, especially when I start spending more time in the garden and at the lottie. I know that you will understand :) I am sure that I will also visit your blog if I have not already done so. If you have any specific questions I will either reply to them here or you can email me at :


- Anna.