greentapestry : In A Vase On Monday ~ A Snow Princess

Monday, 24 July 2017

In A Vase On Monday ~ A Snow Princess

This week's vase features a 'Snow Princess' and in this case she has not been blown in on a cold blast of arctic air but has been ushered in by a summer zephyr. Three new to me annuals were sown earlier in the year and this is the first to come into flower. Hopefully I can report on the other two in the near future. 'Calendula 'Snow Princess' was a new arrival in some the 2017 seed catalogues and as far as I'm concerned has lived up to my expectations. Although definitely not the colour of snow the creamy flowers are most attractive and I like the bronze tinged petal tips. There is of course the bonus that her petals are edible but I've not nibbled yet.

After reading this article by Graham Rice I sowed a few seeds yesterday, in the hope of some late flowers and will also be sowing again come September. Here she is together with some rosemary and a sprig or two of a viola. The container is a little jar hand-painted by my mum. As always a heartfelt thank you to Cathy over at 'Rambling In The Garden' for her oh so gentle encouragement to fill a vase on a Monday.


  1. I do like the colour of those calendula. Much better than the bright orange varieties. Which seed company did you buy them from?

  2. They are much more subtle colour Sue :) I picked up a packet of Johnsons Seeds from our local Wilkos but I think that Mr Fothergill does the same number of seeds at a cheaper price.

  3. I love 'Snow Princess' and her pretty blue attendants! I'm amazed that you still have pansies - another indicator of the difference in our climates.

  4. That pale yellow of snow princess contrasts beautifully with the violas...and so cute in that decorated jar.

  5. I have read or heard about this calendula - was it on a blog or somewhere else? I certailnly like it and will try that for next year. The princess looks perfect with the violas and I am sure you will have chosen the comnbination because of their matching centres - wonderful! And of course they are perfect in your Mum's creation. Reading Graham's article makes me want to check the growing time of some of my earlier sowings to see what I could add an extra crop of... Thanks for sharing, Anna

  6. Your vase is somehow full of nostalgia this week Anna. These plants all suggest romance and poetry to me! And the vase is so sweet too. :)

  7. Snow princess is lovely and pansies with their little faces always remind me of my grandmother who loved them. A sweet combination.

  8. A lovely combination, I love pansies and marigolds, great old favourites here in my garden too.

  9. I always plan to have some calendula in the garden. This one is beautiful and goes so well with the blue viola.


All your comments are much appreciated and treasured. I wil try to reply to everyone who leaves a comment, but it may take me a few days, especially when I start spending more time in the garden and at the lottie. I know that you will understand :) I am sure that I will also visit your blog if I have not already done so. If you have any specific questions I will either reply to them here or you can email me at :


- Anna.