greentapestry : IAVOM ~ 'I Am The One And Only'

Monday, 2 August 2021

IAVOM ~ 'I Am The One And Only'

How quickly 'In A Vase On Monday' comes round! As usual this year I sowed some sunflower seeds. Sunflowers are one of those seeds that are either a hit or a miss with me - a big miss being the usual outcome. I decided that this year I would go for a red shade rather than yellow and after some searching of seed catalogues and web sites decided that 'ProCut Plum' was the perfect choice. The thought of "dusky crimson and 'cafe-au-lait shades" was the clincherAn order was made and seeds arrived well in advance of sowing plans. I sowed my seeds (two to a three inch pot) duly in April and nurtured them with an eagle eye. They survived the delicate seedling stage when more often than not predecessors have been demolished by molluscs. They grew nicely into young plants, were hardened off and were finally ready to cope in the big wide open world. Five sunflowers were planted. They were happy and healthy and grew taller and taller and are now taller than me. Flowers began to form and I waited with great anticipation. Imagine my excitement when I saw colour appear. Imagine my disappointment when I saw a different colour to what I was expecting! Four of out five sunflowers were a murky yellow with vague hints of a plum centre. However I'm pleased to say that the runt of the litter and the last to flower was exactly the same as the illustration on the seed packet and I love it. I will just have to try them again next year. Of course I had to opt for my sun vase to display my one and only true sunflower in all it's full colours.

Thanks as always to Cathy over 'At Rambling In The Garden' who is most pretty in pink this week. Do have a peek and enjoy vases of flowers from far and wide.


  1. It's a gorgeous color, Anna, and I hope you get a better yield next year.
    Seeds - and bulbs - can be so disappointing sometimes, especially given the hype most sellers offer by way of descriptive information. My own sunflowers have rarely matched their descriptions. I sowed my seeds late and only one batch I transplanted seems headed in the direction of blooming but I've still got my fingers crossed they'll amount to something ;)

    1. Thanks Kris. It's annoying especially when you may have paid a bit more than usual for F1 seeds as I did in this case. Will also keep my fingers crossed for your sunflowers too 😄

  2. Yes, that's a nicely different sunflower, Anna, although there will be no point saving seeds from it because the bees will have been busy elsewhere too! I am pleased it made up for the other mediocre ones �� I am sticking with with Velvet Queen and some dwarf ones, plus any freebie seeds

    1. Oh no plans to save any seed Cathy - they will all be left for the birds to feast on. I was a bit miffed as these were slightly more expensive seeds but will give them at least one one more try. I'm just delighted though to have some mature sunflowers given my track record 😂

  3. It is a gorgeous colour Anna, and I am glad at least one came out right! I know the frustration after growing red zinnias from seed once and they all turned out pale pink!

  4. Oh no Cathy! It's so annoying especially if you have a colour scheme planned as I did in this case. I just hope that you didn't!

    1. Well, actually I did! And I must admit I picked all of them in flower and cut down the rest!

  5. I'd be firing off an email to the supplier, Anna


All your comments are much appreciated and treasured. I wil try to reply to everyone who leaves a comment, but it may take me a few days, especially when I start spending more time in the garden and at the lottie. I know that you will understand :) I am sure that I will also visit your blog if I have not already done so. If you have any specific questions I will either reply to them here or you can email me at :


- Anna.