greentapestry : IAVOM - A Gathering Of Snowdrops

Monday, 30 January 2023

IAVOM - A Gathering Of Snowdrops


It has been dry but quite windy today so I bought my vase inside so that the galanthus or snowdrop skirts would stop swirling around. Sadly though the light wasn't that brilliant indoors so back out again it has hurtled now the wind has died down and before the light disappears. Finally a not too grainy photo even though I chopped the end of the vase off and some of the varieties are not distinct. I will not write the full name of each variety down but if you would like any more details please just let me know in the comments and I will reply. 

Front row from left to right is 'Lapwing', ' Fieldgate Prelude' unknown specimen and 'Trumps'.

Back row from left to right is 'Wendy's Gold', 'Sprite' 'Rosemary Burnham' and 'Sutton Courteney'.

I will try to take a better photo tomorrow morning and post it as soon as possible. I had hoped that some somebody might have an inkling of as to what the unamed variety might be but this photo doesn't do it or its companions justice. My fingers were too frozen to try again today.

The ceramic vase or perhaps I should say vases is a new one having arrived only last week as a birthday gift from my sister. What an inspired choice on her behalf as I will have great fun playing with it. I've been wondering today what collective noun you might use for your vases. I keep mine in a cupboard but there is now overspill on to a shelf and I imagine them chattering together at night -  a company of vases maybe or a convention of vases. I'm sure other ideas will follow. Any suggestions would be welcome.

Thanks as always to the lovely Cathy whose baby 'In A Vase On Monday' is. You can see what she and others have created to celebrate this Monday with over at 'Rambling In The Garden'.


  1. I was going to say that I would give some thought to a collection of vases, and then an 'opportunity' of vases popped into my head...

    I have long since admired vases such as your birthday gift, but when it came to it there were so many colour combinations I just couldn't choose, so still haven't got one! What a great way of showing off your different snowdrops, Anna - isn't Rosemary Burnham gorgeous? She is flowering here too, and is so distinctive.
    Hope you are less windy tomorrow 👍

  2. A belated happy birthday, Anna! That vase is perfect for snowdrops so kudos to your sister on its selection. It says something that, after sufficient exposure to snowdrops as the result of following many British garden blogs, I can now at least detect the differences between the varieties at a glance ;) If they had the slightest chance of growing in my climate, I'm sure I'd have them in my garden too.

  3. Ooh, what a pretty vase - just perfect for your snowdrops! I can actually see the different markings on them too. All so lovely. My vases are also mostly in a cupboard… I could imagine them bickering in there over who is the fairest of them all, so how about a 'vanity' of vases? LOL!

    1. That was me above… sometimes my comments appear as anonymous even when I fill out all the details! Cathy (wordsandherbs)

  4. Lovely to see the snowdrops coming up. We have clumps in the garden but only common ones.

  5. i have that same vase in golds and yellows. Perfect for snowdrops. i don't think I saw your color version for sale. It's lovely.


All your comments are much appreciated and treasured. I wil try to reply to everyone who leaves a comment, but it may take me a few days, especially when I start spending more time in the garden and at the lottie. I know that you will understand :) I am sure that I will also visit your blog if I have not already done so. If you have any specific questions I will either reply to them here or you can email me at :


- Anna.