greentapestry : IAVOM ~ 'Dancing In The Moonlight'

Monday 29 April 2024

IAVOM ~ 'Dancing In The Moonlight'

 In my vase this Monday are three narcissus stems. I dallied as usual but finally placed my spring bulb order at the beginning of September last year.  My order included a twenty bulbs of narcissus 'Moonlight Sensation', new to me and which just have to be the floriferous narcissus that you could ever wish to encounter. I'm delighted with them. There are just three stems in my vase. There are up to seven pale cream lightly scented flowers per flowering stem. I'm still making my mind up about the scent. She has a sister called 'Sunlight Sensation' which I might be tempted by later on this year. As the name suggests it is more of a bright yellow in colour than 'Moonlight Sensation'.

The cool April weather we have experienced has extended the flowering life not only of this beauty but other early spring flowers as well. It is allegedly warming up this week so we might finally enjoy some real spring weather. I certainly have had problems with germination in the greenhouse this year with slow, erratic and in some cases no germination at all of some seeds. I'm about to make second sowings of amaranthus caudatus, phlox 'Cherry Caramel' and rudbeckia 'Sahara'. The latter I would be most upset to be without but so far have only four seedlings. I don't think it's down to the compost but down to the low light levels and below average temperatures. Has anybody else experienced problems?

Thanks as always to the lovely Cathy who blogs over at 'Rambling In The Garden' and provides us with the opportunity to share our vases each Monday, whatever the vagaries of the season.


  1. Wow, those are amazing - definitely a variety to look out for! Were they billed as late flowering? That vase is perfect for them too. Surprisingly, considering my problems in other years, I have had brilliant germination of my Sahara seeds this time - and most other things too, except larkspur. I sowed some of the latter in autumn 2022 and it germinated easily without stratification, so I shall just do autumn sowings in future, I think, and overwinter them. Fingers crossed for your later sowings, Anna 🤞

  2. I haven't come across Narcissus 'Moonlight Sensation' until now. It's a beauty and hard to imagine that all those flowers are held on only three stems. I've had difficulty with several varieties of seeds, Cosmos Apollo, Strawflowers and Calistephalus. A second sowing a few weeks later gave better results, but still, not all germinated. I've now lost all my Rudbeckia seedlings, but this time it was my own fault. I forgot to open the greenhouse on one of the very sunny days and the poor little rudbeckias were just too small to cope! Lesson learned. Good luck with you second sowings!

  3. 'Moonlight Sensation" is a beauty, Anna. I was surprised when you said there were only 3 stems in that vase! Best wishes with the seed sowing. With temperatures rising here, I should probably be doing that myself but I prefer to sow directly in my raised planters and the cool season flowers there aren't ready to move yet!

  4. Oh, that is such a pretty one Anna. And definitely one I could imagine in my Moon Bed… Three stems have produced an abundance of flowers - a real bonus. I haven't even started sowing flower seeds yet, but I have finally got my tomatoes (grown indoors) potted on and in the cold frame. Good luck with Sahara. I always love seeing them in your vases.

  5. Another wonderful white vase. The Moonlight Sensation is sensational and displayed so nicely in the vase. The habit can be fully appreciated. I have been trying to grow Rudbeckia to no avail. Amelia

  6. What a beauty, and so floriferous! Eliza

  7. Oh I love the pale yellow of this daffodil. So beautiful!

  8. I love this beautiful pale yellow daffodil. I'm going to be on the lookout for that variety in the Autumn.

  9. We've germinated lots of seeds on damp kitchen paper this year


All your comments are much appreciated and treasured. I wil try to reply to everyone who leaves a comment, but it may take me a few days, especially when I start spending more time in the garden and at the lottie. I know that you will understand :) I am sure that I will also visit your blog if I have not already done so. If you have any specific questions I will either reply to them here or you can email me at :


- Anna.