greentapestry : Slightly Blushing

Friday, 29 July 2011

Slightly Blushing

One of the most exciting moments of the gardening year for me is when I see my tomatoes beginning to turn colour. Each year you begin to think that it will never ever happen and then by magic overnight there is a subtle but distinct change. Even then I have to go back for a second and even a third peek just to reassure myself. This year the first of my tomatoes began to blush a couple of days ago.

The tomato in question is 'Losetto' which was a new introduction this year from Thompson and Morgan. It is an F1 variety and has been bred with blight resistance in mind. It has a cascading habit so is suitable for containers and can be grown under cover or outdoors in a sheltered sunny spot. I must admit I did not have my full wits about me when I bought the seed on a garden centre trip back in January, as if I had clocked the price before I got to the till, I think that they would have not come home with me. At £3.49 for six seeds these are rather expensive. One of my allotment friends happened to choose the same variety to try and had the misfortune to sneeze when sowing them, blowing one of the seeds away into obscurity. She was not amused.

I sowed my seeds in a heated propagator on 28th February. From there they moved to a heated sandbench in the greenhouse, where they continued to grow except for the occasional night in the house when the temperature was very low. This particular plant has had a bit of a nomadic life going from greenhouse at home to outside at the allotment and then back to the greenhouse at home.

I will have to reserve judgement though until the first tasting, which by the looks of things will not be too far off in the future. Have you grown any new to you tomatoes this year - if so any recommendations as yet or are you like me still waiting to have that first bite?

PS I am pleased to report that when I got to the allotment this morning I saw that its siblings are turning colour too.


  1. My tomatoes still have a way to go before the first blush. Yours look very perky indeed and I'm sure they will be very successful.

    Exciting about the bees Anna!


  2. I've noticed the first of my tomatoes starting to turn colour today. It always happens around the time I'm going on holiday and this year's no different. It's a Gardener's Delight and I'm also growing San Marzano and Tangella, all varieties which I grew last year. It's the first year I haven't tried something different but I was so happy with these three that I decided to grow them again this year.

  3. I reckon 31/2 quid for 6 seeds is a bit stingy.

    Hope they taste wonderful.

    Ah tomatoes. We always go to Bergerac market in late September to buy home grown toms and basil.

  4. You will have to savour every biteful at that price. Hope they taste as good as they look. Tend to blush myself if I get to the till having overlooked the price of something

  5. How lovely - glad the plot toms are colouring up for you too. I love that moment - the first hint of colour change. I've found it slow coming this year, but gradually pickings are going from one or two to half a dozen. A long time before we have a glut but... I'm growing Gardener's Delight for the first time this year and I have to say, gorgeous, I now see why so many grow it. Gold Nugget are as tasty as ever, so far not so impressed by Tumbling Yellow, but maybe they need to ripen more. Its possible that I have been getting a little impatient and picking them a little too soon... What I can't wait for are Ferline, Olivade and Marmande. All swelling wonderfully but with no hint of colour...


All your comments are much appreciated and treasured. I wil try to reply to everyone who leaves a comment, but it may take me a few days, especially when I start spending more time in the garden and at the lottie. I know that you will understand :) I am sure that I will also visit your blog if I have not already done so. If you have any specific questions I will either reply to them here or you can email me at :


- Anna.