greentapestry : Absolute Musts!

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Absolute Musts!

All this rare sunshine is going to my head. I have had a surfeit of fresh air this week and as I have toiled at the allotment the grey matter has been in overdrive. I have come to the conclusion that I must :
  • Do some serious research into chemical toilets or porta potties (to use a quainter phrase). Perched over the bucket in the shed this morning, I had an alarming moment when I heard loud buzzing, which I think was in the vicinity of a certain very exposed part of my anatomy ! I did not dare to turn my head to look in case I toppled over.
  • Treat myself to Anna Pavord's new book 'Bulb' which I flicked through in Waterstones yesterday. Already laden down with shopping I could not manage to carry this heavy tome as well. First impressions were of excellence - masses of information and beautiful photography. I would like to have lingered it over it longer but I always feel guilty if I leave without making a purchase. I know it's slightly early to mention the dreaded C word but this could be my yearly gift to myself book. However Waterstones have got a special offer on the book at the moment. Should I return later in the week and then ask himself to hide the book until the appointed time? Decisions, decisions. Also on my book wish list are 'Veg Patch : River Cottage Handbook 4' by Mark Diacono and 'Garden Wisdom' by Leslie Geddes-Brown'.
  • Find out whether there is such an item as a waterproof, smudge-proof notebook. I have given up taken a notebook to the allotment as they invariably get dirty and/or damp. However I find that I do not always remember what I want to do or need to do. It would also be useful to be jot down notes and thoughts for future reference.
  • Take a tape measure with me to the allotment to measure the raised beds. I need to get some porous membrane to cover the beds over before the cold weather sets in. Now if I had the aforesaid notebook I would remember to put the tape measure into my allotment bag.
  • Plant onion sets and garlic next month. Before I can do that I need to order them but that's the easy bit. I also need to get my head round my hit and miss rotation system and work out where I can plant them. That should take some time says she scratching her head.
  • I must plant my bulbs before the end of November and not half way through January when in previous years I have risked severe frostbite to accomplish this task. As I have only bought a bag of sixteen tulip bulbs up to now this should not be beyond the realms of possibility. I shall just have to stay clear of bulb websites, catalogues and garden centres for the foreseeable future. Sounds easy.
Well I think that's enough musts for me to be getting on with for the time being. Time now to seek inspiration for what I can do with a mound of damsons.


  1. Anna, we have a chemical toilet on our site, and on cold days I don't know what I'd do without it. I have a chalkboard and of course some chalk !! in my lottie shed, which comes in handy if I forget the notebook.

    I had about 50 runners from my strawberries, some even fruited this year as I had left them in the ground where they rooted from last year. So they had to go, it needed tidying. I gave them all away on 'Freecycle' to 3 different people.
    I had a laugh about you sitting on a bucket in your shed, soo funny!

  2. Luckily our site has a proper loo! Mind you the water gets turned off during the winter months, so it's not operatinal then.

    Yes, you can buy notebooks with waterproof paper. I used them when doing fieldwork in rivers. You need to use a pencil though, so best to team it with a cheap rotating pencil, 'cos there's nothing worse than fishing a pencil out of your bag, finding the point's broken off and not having a pencil sharpener with you. I can't remember where you can get the notebooks from, but I'm sure Google will help in that department!

  3. Eep! No, one wouldn't want a bee sting in one's personal region. AAiiieee! It is amazing all the things one thinks of while in the garden... I do use fine point Sharpie pens which are permanent and don't run in the rain. I haven't found waterproof paper, though! ;-)

  4. Sorry, but I had a little chuckle over the bucket incident. We don't have any toilets on our site, nor do I have a shed. Needless to say, I'm very good at crossing my legs. The 'bulb' book looks good. I love books too, I could happily spend a full shopping trip in a bookshop.

  5. A bucket! A BUCKET!!! Well, is there a replacement for the old fashioned way?

    I've been compiling a things to do list. It always happens at this time of year. It's actually nice to have a bit of down time once the winter arrives and make plans.

  6. I do hate it when a loud buzzing happens in situations like that! :)
    Poor you.

    Amazon sell waterproof notebooks so you could slip one in when you order some of the books on your wish list.

    I would love to look at "Bulb" but no bookshops near here - but I am going down south in a couple of weeks, Waterstones you say ....


  7. Apart from the loo resolution I am with you all the way! The new Anna Pavord book was on my birthday list and hasn't appeared yet. I am still hoping!

  8. Being extremely impulsive, I recommend you buy the desired book for yourself now. Who knows what the future might bring, so if you want it, get it! That buzzing would have been enough to put an end to the bucket business! But waterproof paper, who knew. Now that is an excellent garden tool. Our garlic is in, but remembering the rotation will get more difficult each year. Bring on the bulbs! :-)


All your comments are much appreciated and treasured. I wil try to reply to everyone who leaves a comment, but it may take me a few days, especially when I start spending more time in the garden and at the lottie. I know that you will understand :) I am sure that I will also visit your blog if I have not already done so. If you have any specific questions I will either reply to them here or you can email me at :


- Anna.