greentapestry : Wordless Wednesday ~ 25th January 2012.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Wordless Wednesday ~ 25th January 2012.

~ growing in The Winter Garden at Dunham Massey ~ 23/01/2012.


  1. I love Iris Reticulata, such pretty little things. My grandma always used to grow Iris's, they remind me of her.

  2. Their beauty speaks for them - no other words are required.

  3. Congratulations! You have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Cathy from For details see Cathy’s post on 26th January:
    I’m really enjoying reading your blog, so played along with this award thing… feel free to do with it what you will!:-)

  4. Very pretty!
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  5. Those Iris are beautiful. I grew some in a pot last year and then moved them into the garden but I've haven't seen any signs of them pushing through. Hopefully they haven't died. I'm commenting using the anonymous profile at the moment because there are problems between blogger and wordpress. Wellywoman.

  6. Lovely flowers - though I dont think I like that colour iris next to that colour hellebore but saying that its so nice to see anything flowering at the moment, it doesnt really matter

  7. What a glorious show. I really must go out and cut back the old leaves on my hellebores...

  8. Thanks for the post mate you have written it very well.


All your comments are much appreciated and treasured. I wil try to reply to everyone who leaves a comment, but it may take me a few days, especially when I start spending more time in the garden and at the lottie. I know that you will understand :) I am sure that I will also visit your blog if I have not already done so. If you have any specific questions I will either reply to them here or you can email me at :


- Anna.