We're now definitely on the cusp between spring and summer as my favourite month of the year is fading out on a warm and sunny note. The Solomon's Seal, aquilegias, brunnera, thalictrums, umbifellers and pulmonarias are giving way slowly but surely to astrantias, geraniums, penstemons, elderflowers and roses.
I'm not convinced that I've achieved much of any substance in the garden having spent most of my time weather permitting either in the greenhouse or at the allotment. The annual greenhouse shuffle is playing out its course and the contents are slowly spilling out into the garden or making their way to the allotment. Today with next spring in mind I've sown some sweet rocket, wallflowers and and lunaria 'Chedglow' which I fell for at the London RHS Show in February 2013. Avon Bulbs are now selling seeds of this stunning purple leaved lunaria.
I took my camera to the allotment this morning but fell at the first hurdle - I left the camera card out so a verbal description instead.The potatoes which were planted on Easter Monday are now reasonably sturdy plants and fingers crossed the danger of frost is behind us. Broad bean 'Witkiem' and pea 'Douce Provenance' are already forming their first pods. I've planted wigwams of 'Cobra' and 'Blauhilde' French climbing beans, whilst a purple podded mange tout peas (from my own saved seed) and 'Lingua de Fuoco 2' borlotti beans, will be making their way to the allotment in the next few days to be planted. Courgettes 'Romanesco' and the yellow fruiting 'Floridor' are already in the ground. My third courgette 'Brice' did not germinate well so I made latter sowings of 'De Nice A Fruit Ronde'. The autumn planted garlic has grown well but has developed rust whilst the shallots and 'Red Baron' onions are plumping up nicely. Beetroot and chard grown in cells at home will also soon be in transit along with a pumpkin.
In the fruit department the strawberry plants have been strawed and hopefully we will be eating them before long. The plants are now in their second year so should produce well. 'Cambridge Favourite' is most floriferous but the newer on the scene plant 'Albion' is definitely not as generous with its fruit so I doubt if it will be a keeper. The gooseberries should also be ready for picking soon and look bar any natural disaster as if they will fruit well. I picked a couple today to sample but they are still too hard. Disaster with the white currants which looked as if they were going to produce in abundance - the fruits have been more or less stripped off the bush overnight! No sign of any creatures so I can only wonder. Although I prefer the red currants and black currants the white currant has been the best performing of the currant bushes so I am rather miffed. The apples are now swelling. Despite 'Katy' being described being smothered in blossom by my plot neighbours she is not fruiting well. 'James Grieve' and 'Sunset' are doing much better.
Flowering at the allotment now are chives, sage, rosa rubignosa (sweet brier), comfrey and some self seeded cerinthe. Hopefully soon the wigwam of sweet peas will be joining in and there will be bunches to pick to bring home with me.
Plant purchases this month have included a nameless sultry bearded iris, a nameless lime green hosta and a couple of nameless hardy geraniums. I have a feeling that one of them is geranium sylvaticum album although the label said it was something else. Finally a plant with a name - alchemilla erythropoda which I believe to be a better behaved relative of alchemilla mollis.
P.S. I forgot to include the three little rhodochiton atrosanguineum plants I bought on Thursday having already sown a packet with the result of not a single seedling. I've sown these several times before so was rather disappointed. All being well I shall be able to save my own seeds this year. Have always been amazed by the price the seed companies charge for this plant.
So that was May in my garden and allotment. I'm looking forward to catching up with what has been happening on your patches of earth over at The Patient Gardener's Weblog. With thanks as always to Helen for hosting this excellent meme.
I like the look of that honesty, very different to the usual varieties, I shall have to look out for that one. I'd be at your plant sale like a shot if I lived closer. There's one near us now which is really well attended, so well in fact that it sells out very quickly so you have to be there for when the doors open if you're intent on picking anything up.
ReplyDeletewould love to have you link your garden posts to Fishtail Cottage's garden party!!! (Thursdays ~ but I keep the party open thru the weekends) hope to see you! xoxo, tracie
ReplyDeleteI have those Lunaria seeds to sow from Avon Bulbs. I sold loads of seeds and plants when I worked for them at Malvern. Apparently it was their busiest day at a show for some time and it felt busy!
ReplyDeleteIt's a struggle to keep up at the moment, things are growing so fast!
ReplyDeleteThere will be quite a few takers for the dark leaved lunaria I'm sure. I feel my black phase quietly reasserting itself, not that it ever really went away.
Everything's moving so fast isn't it? May on the whole has been great! Hoping for an even better summer!
ReplyDeleteThat honesty is on my list too, and I really must get on and sow the biennials, I have loads of visitors coming in the next few weeks so although I will hopefully be able to keep on top of watering, sowing and planting will not happen. Your allotment sounds bountiful. I love astrantias, but mine haven't settled in yet, so very few flowers. Patience, Janet, patience...
ReplyDeleteLove the bee on the astrantia - mine have been covered with various buzzy things, mostly white tailed bees. I really admire your industry on the allotment but can accept now that my heart is not in veg growing and will just grow a very few. I certainly recommend netting your currants - one of the reasons we built a fruit cage was to protect the currants as they could be stripped overnight by the birds. I shall be writing about the contents of the fruit cage soon - some not good ... :(
ReplyDeleteYou know, I visited your blog last night and would have sworn I made a comment! I only popped back to check on the name of the Lunaria. It's a wee beauty isn't it?
ReplyDeleteIt's all go at the allotment Anna - wishing you a wonderful harvest when the time comes.
I am having great difficulty leaving a comment, last night I tried a few times and this morning I have tried again, I seem to be having the same problems as Angie. Sometimes I have to press Preview, but others I have to press Publish, if I press the wrong one, the message just vanishes.
ReplyDeleteWe both grow courgette Romanesco, I do find it has the best flavour; you have lots growing at your allotment, is it far from where you live? Maybe the birds had your currants but I would have thought they would not notice white ones as much. BTW I've also had problems leaving comments with you and some other blogspot users.
ReplyDeleteThe Lunaria is gorgeous. It's new to me. Your allotment is amazingly productive, I hope you will take your camera next time I' d love to see it all. Rhodochiton seeds have to be sown absolutely fresh or they will not germinate. You should be alright with your own seeds.
ReplyDeleteA lovely shot of the bee on the Astrantia.
You must have been the belle of the ball when you arrived with those beauties at the plant sale. :)
ReplyDeleteYour May sounds like when my late June is shaping up to look like after a late spring. Well, actually, we don't get spring here so much as sprummer. ;-). I'm just glad it's here!
Thanks for all your comments and a welcome to Tracie. Sorry if you have had problems leaving comments and thanks for persisting. I thought that issue was a thing of the past but sadly obviously not :( Will have to look into it again and see if there is anything I can do at my end. The lunaria 'Chedglow' seeds that I owed sowed at the end of the month have already started to germinate :)