Just living is not enough," said the butterfly, "one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower." ~ Hans Christian Anderson
Like all gardeners I welcome all the butterflies that pass through my garden. Usually by the time I have found my camera and sprinted back out they have fluttered off, but here are a couple that I managed to snap one sunny September afternoon. The first is perched on a sedum, a well known plant for attracting butterflies. The others are basking on a clematis jouiniana 'Praecox' which unbeknown to me, when I planted it, is a butterfly magnet.

This is my first post on ABC Wednesday - sadly I missed out on A. Links to posts from other participants are here :
Great photos...beautiful color...the butterfly in the first shot is so pretty it looks painted...
ReplyDeleteI love butterflies! They are so pretty. They make me think of summer. I miss summer!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos Anna - makes me yearn for summer. We didnt have the usual amount of butterflies last year - so fingers crossed this year is better.
The first picture is so dazzlingly colourful and the second shows how they swarm.
ReplyDeleteHi Anna - I love your photo of the peacock butterfly - one of my favourite garden visitors.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to ABC Wednesday too - I see a few more garden blogs have joined which is great!
Fabulous photo, it's like little eyes staring at you. Isn't nature wonderful?
ReplyDeleteHello Anna, BBBeautiful bbbbutteerflies and great words by H.C Anderson
ReplyDeleteI grow the Sedum telephium L. just to get the lovely butterflies.
Take care Tyra
I'm looking forward to seeing butterflies again. It's been a long winter and your shots look just like summmer! Beautiful butterflies.
ReplyDeleteBeuatiful photos - they make me feel that summer is just around the corner. I like the Clematis - especially if it attracts butterflies.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that butterflies pollinate alone makes them a welcome garden guest. The fact that they are so beautiful is a delightful bonus!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all your comments. A special welcome to Carol, Life with Kaishon, Rinkley Rimes and Tumblewords.
ReplyDeleteThanks Carol. I see what you mean, but wonder whether the butterfly would pose long enough for you to dab the paint on its wings :)
Life with Kaishon - I miss summer too ! Roll on spring and at least we are getting nearer.
Thanks Karen. Butterflies were indeed in short supply last summer if you can call it that - let's hope for more sunshine and more butterflies in 2009.
Thank you Rinkly Rimes - there were more butterflies on the clematis in the second shot, but I only managed to capture two of them.
VP, thank you for the welcome to ABC Wednesday. I will have to find the other gardening blogs :)
Hello Maureen - the 'eyes' are amazing and such vibrant colours. Nature indeed is wonderful :)
Tyra, I like choosing special butterfly plants too :)
Such bbbbbliss when the butterflies float into the garden and stay for afternoon tea :)
Oh thank you Tumblewords - I imagine that your winters must be even longer than ours. It is comforting to reminded of summer in the middle of it all :)
Thanks HappyMouffetard - the clematis is beautiful, does attract lots of butterflies but on the minus side it dies a horrible death !
Could not agree with you more Monica. Beauty and usefulness don't always go hand in hand, so it is a special bonus when they do !