A quick trip to the allotment this afternoon to drop some stuff off. The site was looking rather melancholy and was quiet. A couple of other plot holders were at work but other than that the place was deserted. Whilst there I noticed this wee beastie on a cosmos flower that is now going over. I read Ryan's post at Ryan's Garden earlier this week and wondered whether the invasion has spread to the north west. Could this be a harlequin ladybird ? I am hoping not. There are certainly numerous aphids about for ladybirds nice or nasty to feast upon. Himself took the car through a car wash a couple of days ago and was not a happy bunny to find the car covered with aphids this morning. After the curses out came the bucket and soapy water. The car has now been parked in a different spot so it will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings.
Now a couple of of plants ids. The first is a lovely day lily which I have been lucky enough to have been given a division of by a dear gardening friend. She swears that the squirrels steal her plant labels and the one that identified this plant has gone missing ~

Finally a tree growing in a Liverpool park, photographed in June this year and then September ~